Category: Parenting Tips


Top Benefits of i-Math for Early Childhood Education

Early childhood is a crucial stage for cognitive development, and mathematics plays a vital role in shaping young minds. i-Math is an innovative approach to teaching math to children, making it fun, engaging, and highly effective. Here are the top…

Math and Psychology

Math and Psychology: How Numbers Affect Our Behavior

Math and Psychology might seem like two entirely different fields, but they are more interconnected than you might think. Numbers, data, and mathematical principles play a significant role in understanding human behavior, decision-making, and even emotions. In this blog, we’ll…


Why Your Child Makes Silly Mistakes

Every parent has witnessed their child make a seemingly silly mistake at some point. Whether it’s a math error, forgetting to complete a simple task, or misunderstanding instructions, these mistakes can be puzzling and sometimes frustrating. Understanding the reasons behind…

Top5 Tips

Top 5 Tips to Make Math Fun

Does the word “math” bring on groans instead of grins? Well, fret no more! Math can actually be a fun and engaging subject, packed with challenges, discoveries, and even a bit of magic. Here at iMath, we’re passionate about helping…


Estimating and Measuring Fun: Making Math Enjoyable for Kids

Math can be fun and engaging for children, especially when it involves hands-on activities like estimating and measuring. These skills are crucial for developing mathematical understanding and can be easily incorporated into everyday activities. In this blog, we’ll explore various…

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