Math in Nature: Teaching Geometry Through Outdoor Activities

Maths in nature

Nature is a wonderful classroom, offering countless opportunities to explore and learn. Teaching geometry through outdoor activities not only makes learning fun but also helps children understand how geometric concepts are applied in the world around them. In this blog post, we’ll explore engaging ways to teach geometry by immersing kids in the beauty of nature.

Why Teaching Geometry Outdoors is Beneficial

Teaching geometry through outdoor activities has several advantages:

  • Hands-On Learning: Kids learn best through experiences and hands-on activities.
  • Connection to Real Life: Seeing geometry in nature helps children understand its practical applications.
  • Physical Activity: Outdoor learning combines physical activity with education, promoting overall well-being.
  • Environmental Appreciation: Learning outdoors fosters a love and appreciation for nature.

Fun Outdoor Activities to Teach Geometry

Here are some creative activities to help children explore geometric concepts while enjoying the great outdoors:

1. Shape Scavenger Hunt


  • List of geometric shapes (circles, triangles, squares, etc.)
  • Clipboard or notebook
  • Pen or pencil


  1. Create a list of geometric shapes for the child to find in nature (e.g., a round rock for a circle, a triangular leaf).
  2. Give them a clipboard or notebook to check off each shape as they find it.
  3. Discuss the properties of each shape they find (e.g., number of sides, angles).

Benefits: This activity makes learning shapes interactive and enhances observational skills.

2. Geometry Walk


  • Camera or smartphone
  • Notebook and pencil


  1. Take a walk through a park, garden, or neighborhood.
  2. Look for geometric shapes and patterns in natural and man-made objects (e.g., hexagonal honeycombs, rectangular windows).
  3. Have the child take photos or sketch the shapes they find.
  4. Review the photos or sketches together, discussing the geometric concepts.

Benefits: A geometry walk encourages exploration and helps children see the world through a mathematical lens.

3. Symmetry in Nature


  • Leaves, flowers, or other natural objects
  • Paper
  • Glue


  1. Collect symmetrical objects from nature, like leaves or flowers.
  2. Glue these objects onto paper, showcasing their natural symmetry.
  3. Discuss the concept of symmetry in nature and how it occurs.

Benefits: This activity connects math concepts with the natural world and fosters an appreciation for nature’s design.

4. Building Shapes with Natural Materials


  • Sticks, stones, and other natural materials
  • Clear ground space or a flat surface


  1. Gather natural materials like sticks and stones.
  2. Challenge the child to create different geometric shapes using these materials.
  3. Discuss the properties of the shapes they create (e.g., sides, angles).

Benefits: Building shapes with natural materials enhances spatial awareness and fine motor skills.

5. Angle Hunt


  • Protractor
  • Notebook and pencil


  1. Teach the child how to use a protractor.
  2. Go outside and look for different angles in nature and architecture (e.g., the angle of a tree branch, the roof of a house).
  3. Measure the angles and record the findings in a notebook.
  4. Discuss the types of angles found (acute, obtuse, right).

Benefits: This activity introduces angle measurement in a real-world context and develops analytical skills.

Incorporating Technology

Educational Apps: Use apps that encourage outdoor exploration and geometric learning, such as “Seek by iNaturalist” for identifying shapes in nature or “GeoGebra” for geometric constructions.


Exploring geometry through outdoor activities is a fantastic way to make math engaging and relevant for children. By using nature as a classroom, kids can develop a deep understanding of geometric concepts while enjoying the beauty and diversity of the world around them.

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